So we haven't been the best at trying to do Family Home Evening on Monday nights with just the two of us since we've been married, especially since Chad has to work most nights, but we wanted to get better at that so last night we decided to start it off.
We first went out to eat at our favorite place ever, CHIPOTLE of course!
The We went to the movies to see Jurassic Park in 3D!! It was so awesome. It's been awhile since I had seen it all the way through again since I was little.
This is a great book I got from one of my classes back at BYU-I that I ended up having to drop, but I kept the book because I wanted to still read it. I had been reading some of it and I got to a chapter on love maps, talking about how we need to hold good conversations with our spouses, knowing specific details, names and things about each other's lives. So this chapter included a questionnaire that we came home and did on one another. We both got 19/20! And then the second part was a questions game, and we got a certain amount of points for answering each other's questions right, Chad beat me by 2 points! haha. But it was really fun to be able to play and ask questions together. It was also good to know that we really do know each other pretty well! Looks like we're on the right track ;)

On top of FHE we have been trying since the first of this year to read through the whole Book of Mormon together. My parents got us this really nice Family Book of Mormon for Christmas this last year and so we have been reading from that and reading all the footnotes and such. There are some really great things that are included in the version. Its a little bit embarrassing for me, but I have never been a big reader in my entire life, but I have never read the BOM all the way through before. I have tried several times but things happen and I get busy and then suddenly forget. So that is why this time I am really determined to and it is great to have my husband there, reading together along the way, adding any inputs he has on anything as well. I really hope we can make it before the end of the year, that is our goal! We are on Jacob 5. According to the schedule I found, we are a little bit behind but we can catch up! I am so grateful for this gospel and everything it has for us. There is so much good and so many good things to learn, I love being a part of it and having it in our lives. It really is the greatest blessing, it helps me strive to be a better person. I am grateful for my husband and that we are eternal companions and for a future family of ours one day that we can bring up in the gospel together and teach them the things that we know :)
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