APRIL 2012 I started my last semester at BYU-Idaho and I was so excited! Majoring in Elementary Education, I had a class this semester where I went to an Elementary School down in Idaho Falls every Monday, Wednesday, Friday all day long, helping and teaching in the second grade. It was very tiring! Then I had the rest of my classes on Tuesday/Thursday.
MAY 2012 my older brother Trevor and his wife Carrie got married! It was so fun to go back home to Seattle to be with family and see my brother and new sister-in-law get married in the temple. The reception was beautiful, Carrie did an amazing job, and there was lots of dancing! So much fun!
JULY 2012 I finally graduated!! Everyone in my family, besides Trevor and Carrie, were able to come drive out to Rexburg for my graduation. My family stayed for a few days and made a big trip out of it. They brought our cake topper and we got to eat it on our year anniversary, and it actually wasn't too bad. We also went up to Yellowstone and went white water rafting in Jackson Hole! I have always wanted to do that, it was my first time, but super sad Chad had to work :(. Trish and Scott drove up from Logan the day for my graduation as well. Sora Lee was also able to get a few fun shots for me for graduation pics weeks before. Not to mention, it was also our first year anniversary!! That went by fast! Chad booked us a room at the themed hotel in I.F., Venice, and it was so much fun! We later went down by the falls and made ourselves a little lunch and had a picnic. It was a beautiful day! (which I can't find any pictures of our anniversary right now but it was cool!)
We of course had to make our last trip to Bear World before we moved next month! And went down and saw the King Tut exhibit down at the I.F. museum.
AUGUST 2012 consisted of a lot of packing. I hate moving so much!! Its annoying to pack everything, get them all to fit in boxes, not to mention finding all the boxes, and make sure nothing breaks! Luckily nothing did! We moved around the 15th of August down to South Jordan, UT where I would be doing my student teaching in the third grade in Herriman the coming Fall. Here are some pictures from moving, old vs. new. Definitely an upgrade, and so much more space in each room! Love the kitchen so much! And the bathroom is awesome, huge tub!!
OLD Kitchen NEW
OLD Front Door NEW
OLD Bathroom NEW
OLD Bedroom NEW
Our front room full of boxes
Me Student Teaching and my new amazing school! Disney's UP house right by my school!
OCTOBER 2012 we went to a Halloween party with Allie and Jeff Merrill and their friends which was so much fun! Chad and I dressed up as cops. We also went to a couple haunted houses, one a haunted circus in Sandy with just us two and then Friday the 13th in SLC with Trish, Scott, Dennis and Megan. That was so fun! Chad's brother Brock came to visit, finally got to meet one of his brothers! 2 more to go. We went out to eat, bowling, went to the Brigham City Temple open house and all sorts of stuff. We started getting our apt together bit by bit, buying more and more furniture. Went to a BYU vs. Utah State football game at BYU, cheering for different teams of course ha. Went to the pumpkin patch right across from our apts and picked out pumpkins together to carve, carved them for Halloween (although we were late again this year, but not as bad as last year.)
NOVEMBER 2012 we celebrated both our birthdays! Chad 24 and me 23. My mentor teacher and the kids in my class were so good to me and gave me tons of gifts, it was so much fun and one of the best birthdays ever! One girl's mom in my class made me a turkey cookie, so cute!! We also went back up to Rexburg for Thanksgiving this year and it was so much fun to see our old married friends that we miss hanging out with so much, my sister and her fiance Jordan were also able to join us since they stayed in town for the holiday.

Then I finally got to meet Chad's Dad and stepmom Elizabeth! They drove all the way out to Utah for just a couple days from South Carolina! They are crazy. And they brought a new puppy for Bekah and their family, he is so cute, his name is Rooney.
Haley Jones finally took me skiing up at Sundance where she works! She has been promising to teach me for about 7 or 8 years now haha. It was tiring for my first time but so much fun!!
FEBRUARY 2013 Mehren came to visit Utah and I was able to see her for her birthday at Texas Roadhouse. For Valentine's Day Chad took me out to dinner at Red Lobster, first time, and to see Warm Bodies! I got him a cute little Valentine's Day basket of goodies. We also made our pink eggs in an egg sandwich, a tradition. Chad's other brother Erick and his wife Kristen came and visited from Florida, now one more brother to meet! Dennis and Megan came down from Logan too and we all went bowling together. Chad and I volunteered at a BYU vs. USU bball came for concessions. And I started up a new little project to do whenever, I started a cross-stitch, we'll see how long it takes me ha.
Megan Erick Kristen
Dennis Brittney Chad
MARCH 2013 I got to see Cressida, Brynn, Shannon, and Callen Stapley come down from WA and ID to see Brynn perform at the Nationals Ballroom Competition, which they got first in one of the dances that I got to see! That was so fun to see them all and spend some time with them. We also went out to eat with Billie, her daughter, and her mom, which is always fun to get together and have little reunions. Then it was our big adult moment, we had to get a new car because ours was starting to die out on us and we found out that we basically had to get a whole new engine, which would cost more than the car is worth, so we bought a new car! A 2011 Nissan Sentra and we love it. It runs so much better. It was St. Patrick's day so I decided to make green eggs and green waffles, turned out fun, and then watched the Luck of The Irish. And I finally got to use my Christmas present from Chad that I have been waiting for, a full body one-hour massage! Thank you sweetie! But of course I wanted him to enjoy it as well with me so we both went in and had one done.
I didn't know you had a blog! I just saw your post on facebook though, and thought I'd check it out! Looks like you and Chad are having lots of fun! That's cool Chad got promoted to bartender! I'm sure he's WAY better than some of the other bartenders we had. Jevan and I moved to Cedar City, and I'm looking for a teaching job next year too. I hope you get one!!!