
Sunday, March 11, 2012

This Past Week

This past week has been a bit crazy for me, and stressful. Getting ready for my last semester of college with signing up for classes for the last time! And then this week has been geared a lot towards my student teaching for this coming fall. I got the acceptance to be placed somewhere in Utah, which was my first choice, so we are happy about that. Thursday night were the principal interviews. There was a representative from each partner school with BYUI and all the students that will be student teaching soon had to interview with them to see where they will be placed. I interviewed for the Granite and Jordan school districts which are both south of Salt Lake. I have more of an interest going to one of the Jordan schools, but we will have to see. I am so excited! Not so much that we have to wait about another month before we find out our final placements. And then 7:30 Saturday morning I had to be at the school to take my PRAXIS exam, which I have to pass before student teaching and getting my teaching license. I was really nervous for it so I hope I did well. I have to take two different tests and that was my first one, next one will be in April. Again I won't know those results for another month either. But I am sooo glad that both of those things are off my shoulder now and I can get back into school and focus and all I can do is just wait for both of the results! Its crazy to think how close I am, I can FINALLY see the end!! :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sickness, Valentine's Day, President's Day Weekend

Chad and I were both sick this last weekend. Just not feeling well at all! I say Chad got me sick but he says he didn't, but oh well haha. So we just stayed in our apt all weekend, sleeping, watching supernatural and other movies, resting, and just chilling. Our apt got messy cuz we were so sick we did not want to move. It seemed like almost all our dishes were dirty by the end of the weekend, so thats what i did monday, took like an hour to wash all of the dishes after feeling better. This weekend kind of reminded me our first week in our new apt after getting married and coming back from our honeymoon. We were both super sick, throwing up and everything for days! Not fun at all, but was pretty funny that it happened at that time, we didn't even get a chance to finish unpacking everything before that. At least this time there was no throwing up.

Then on Tuesday was our first Valentine's Day together! Even though we were engaged last Valentine's Day, we were not able to be together so we didn't really celebrate. It was fun being married and having a Valentine :). I went to teach my clogging class in the morning, Chad dropped me off and picked me up. And when I got home he had a little surprise for me. He got a dozen of beautiful red roses, my favorite sour candies, Valentine's day chocolates, a little stuff animal cute puppy holding a heart "i love you", and the movie The Wedding Singer. Good movie! He told me we could only spend 5 dollars on each other! He lied to me...ha.

And then I gave him my gift. A solid chocolate heart and these pretty cool cards I made. It was made of playing cards and I had typed out 52 things that I loved about him. It took a little while to make but it turned out really cute and he loved them! I had found the idea online and thought it was a really good idea.
Chad had to work all day so he didn't come home till late, so Morgan Fridley and I had a little "date" and went to see The Vow since it came out that day and it was really good! We saw Alyssa and Chris there too.
Then I went home and made my strawberry rice crispy treats that turned out pretty cute. When Chad got home we were going to make a nice dinner, but it got so late so we decided to just the next night since he didn't have to work. So then Wednesday we had our Valentine's Day dinner of steak and scalloped potatoes that Chad made for me! So sweet.

Now its Friday, done with school for the next three days. Monday is presidents day. And I wanted to go to Utah so bad! There is a much needed break from school and Rexburg, and its midterms so its that time.. And it would be fun to go see Chad's family again and go see our new little niece Aubrey that was born Christmas Eve since we havent met her yet. I was also hoping to go see my good friend Haley from back home thats down at BYU cuz she just got home from her mission and still havent seen each other yet. But I guess those things will just have to wait till sometime later....

Sunday, January 29, 2012

last Friday night

This past Friday night Chad and I went over to our friend's, Chris and Alyssa Smeda's apartment for some dinner, we had hamburgers and fries and played a few games. I brought over dessert. I got the recipe (yes off pinterest haha) and its really good. Oreo cookies and cream cheesecake cupcakes. So good! Definitely a keeper :) and its super easy to make too, and cheap. I suggest them to everyone! After our dinner and dessert we played one of our new favorite fun games that Chris and Alyssa introduced us to, Wits and Wagers. Its a trivia game where basically no one would know the answers to any of the questions, thats what makes it so fun, and then you bet on each other's answers. I won 2 out of the 3 rounds btw. haha. We played a couple other games as well. Thanks to the Smedas again for a fun night!


Friday, January 6, 2012

its going to be a looonng semester...

So the first day back at school was on Wednesday, and I pretty much have like all my classes on this day. I was so worn out even like half way thru the day. Now that we have had three days of school, I am exhausted. I am taking 8 classes, two of which are dance classes and then on top of that I am teaching a dance class. Also one of my classes is a practicum where I have to go to the schools for a couple hours and help and do whatever they have me do pretty much. At least for right now I don't have that class until the second half of the semester. But I can already tell, my schedule is packed for the whole day and I am TIRED!! haha. Its going to be a good semester cuz then after this one only a few more classes left next semester and I graduate and then I am out of here! But for gonna pretty much die by the end. Or maybe I'll get used to it ;) haha